Location Service



Location Server Control (LSC) requests, displays and processes indor and outdoor location data coming from subscriber units (SUs) in the field and in range of a control station. Up to 128 SUs to track are held in a pool where they can be parametrized individually. There is a network interface to the program module TMC by which an SU is even able to configure its own parameters using preprogrammed configuration text messages stored in the radio.


LSC maintains logs of all location traffic. This data can be visualized and reviewed anytime. Location Server Map (iLSM) serves as a real time mapping program working with zoomable OpenStreetMap (OSM) based maps to display the SU’s location. Map data is downloaded from OSM as required and stored locally on the PC for further offline use. Once the map data is downloaded the mapping works completely Internet independent. The following functions of LSC/iLSM are available: 

·         Connect/disconnect to/from the radio

·         Connect/disconnect to/from an additional data service for further processing of the location data acquired (optional)

·         Connect/disconnect to/from an presence notification service for automatic tracking setup (optional)

·         Management and configuration of up to 128 field radios to be tracked in an "SU Set"

·         "SU Sets" can be written to and read from files

·         Transmission of location requests directed to the field radios to be tracked (using individual time intervals)

·         Support for immediate queries and triggered location reports

·         Support for indoor location data (bluetooth iBeacons) or outdoor location data (satellite-based)

·         Display of known radio positions with history traces in a map

·         Geofencing (polygon-based)

·         A variant of the mapping program allows for Internet independent raster bitmap graphics maps (i. e. satellite imagery, building plans, ship decks, ect.)

·         Text message or voice transmission to any radio displayed on the map with simple mouse clicks

·        Homing mode, where a field radio is guided towards another radio, object or geoposition by the recurring reception of text messages containing information about course, distance and correction to present course to reach the destination (this mode can be set for a radio by the control station operator or by the radio user himself)

·         Control station location can be acquired from a NMEA GPS receiver connected to the control station PC which allows for mobile/portable control stations

·         Logging of all location data received for further investigation 




Since LSC logs location data received by the field radios as day logs the map display of any point in time can be traced whenever it is necessary using the program Location Server Map Replay (iLSM Replay, see screenshot below). A slider control allows the user to display the location situation of the field radios at any given point in time.



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