Selective Calling & Audio Messaging
SelCallCodec (SCC) is a 5 to 7-tone encoder/decoder program suited to work with audio coming from or sent to a radio. It works in conjunction with a soundcard interface connected to the PC and the radio. SCC can be used as a self-contained software application and it also integrates smoothly with the BIRCS suite of programs. While SCC acts as a server other programs can use its services as clients locally or over the network.
supports selective call families ZVEI 1, ZVEI 2, DZVEI, CCIR and EEA. Decoded
calls are broadcasted over the network and can be processed by other
following functions are supported:
AudioMessaging (AM) serves
as a client to SelCallCodec (SCC). While the latter is intended to run on the
radio server as a service-providing application AM will run on a dispatcher
workstation. There it co-operates with the program Audio
Dispatch (AD).
a network audio stream to audio converter at a dispatcher’s workplace AD can be
muted to shield the dispatcher from the nuisance of undesired communications.