Telemetry Control (TC)



Telemetry Control (TC) is a software program able to control/query general purpose digital input/output (GPIO) signals on remote radios. TC is intended to run on a control station. The control station can set, clear or pulse the GPIO signal levels of the destination radios or trigger a state request transmission. Spontaneous transmissions of field radios due to a GPIO signal level change occurring (if programmed within the remote radio accordingly) can also be processed.



The following functionality is available in TC: 

·         Definition of telemetry jobs with name, destination ID, GPIO and function to perform

·      Control binary outputs in remote radios

·      Sense binary inputs in remote radios

·      Text messaging interface for access to telemetry functionality using the program TMC

·         UDP interface for access to telemetry functionality by third party applications

As a supplement to TC there is an additional utility program TP (Telemetry Panel) available. With TP the user is enabled to trigger telemetry functions via TC by simply pressing push buttons. State information is displayed using colors: 


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